Oil Painting Effect In Photoshop Cs6 Free Download
Now is your chance - easy, fun and free if you own Photoshop. Turn Your Photo Into An Oil Painting in Photoshop. To give the oil paint effect to my photo but. Aug 10, 2013. Loading an Image. This effect works nicely with just about any image. The best way to try it out is to chose a high-resolution image with a good amount of detail. Here's the image that I will be using – feel free to use the same as you follow along the tutorial. Cone Example Image Photoshop CS6 Oil Paint.
Written by Steve Patterson. Ralf Stumpf Matcap Download Chrome. In this Photo Effects tutorial, we're going to take a photo and make it look like an oil painting, which is a popular and fun thing to do with Photoshop. Problem is, creating the effect requires the use of a few different filters and memorizing the settings for each one, which isn't fun, and it's also a little time consuming, meaning it takes more than five seconds. To get around that problem, we're going to save our steps as an action. When we're done, not only will we have converted our photo into an oil painting, we'll have a handy 'Instant Photo To Oil Painting' action that we can apply to any photo from then on, letting Photoshop do all the work for us!
Yj Newsflash Module Rapidshare Files here. Izotope Alloy 2 Keygen Download Cs6 more. Not only is this a great effect to add to any photo, amateur or professional, but if you happen to be a pro photographer, once you've saved the action, you can charge future clients big time bucks for an effect that you created in the time it took you to press a keyboard shortcut. Not that you would do that, of course. That would just be wrong. Anyway, here's the original image I'll be using for this tutorial: And here's the 'oil painting' version. It may look complicated, but as I said, once we're done with this tutorial, you'll be able to instantly convert any photo into an oil painting without having to redo any of the steps we're about to go through. This tutorial is from our series.
Let's get started! Step 1: Create A New Action Since we only want to have to go through these steps once, we're going to record them all as an action. But before we can do that, we need to create one. Go to your Actions palette (it's grouped in with the History palette) and click on the Create New Action button at the bottom of the palette. The 'New Action' dialog box. Name the new action 'Instant Photo To Oil Painting', or a name of your choosing, as I've circled in red above.
To be able to quickly access this action when we're done, I'm giving mine a keyboard shortcut of Shift+Ctrl+F12, again as I've circled above. That would be Shift+Command+F12 on a Mac. You can assign whichever function key you like, and if you want to include the Shift and/or Ctrl key (again, Command on a Mac), click inside the checkbox to the left of their names. When you're ready, click the Record button and Photoshop will begin recording our steps.