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Release: IP.Board.v3.0.4.PHP.NULL-DGT.zip This is a maintenance release for IP.Board 3 and addresses various bugs and adds in some enhancements to existing features along with performance improvements. Also, IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads have received a maintenance update. Major Changes Since 3.0.3 Among many dozens of smaller bugs fixed, the following large changes and fixes have been made in the 3.0.4 release: * IP.Board: RTE support in Safari and Chrome * IP.Downloads: Option to not check filetype for linked files [code] [/code] ngarep. Features: » New eCredits Module - The new eCredits Module is a 'pay per minute' feature for private chat conversations (available with or without webcams) which is built into the Pro Chat Rooms software and is provided free for versions 4.0.1 and above (can be enabled/disabled as required). » Brand New Engine - A complete rewrite from previous versions, the new chat engine features much improved faster performance with even lower bandwidth. » User Statistics - New 'user statistics' record the users combined total 'hours-minutes-seconds' for all chat sessions. » Roll Dice - Allows users to simulate a dice roll by typing /roll 3d3 (any multiple dice combination can be used - eg.
4d4, 12d99, etc). » XSS/MySQL Protection - Improved coding to help prevent possible XSS and MySQL Injection attacks. » User Created Rooms - Admins can now allow users to create their own rooms. User created rooms can be set to auto delete after XXX seconds when left empty. » Show Last Messages - Admins can now set the amount of last messages to display in the chat room when a user logs in (eg. Kelpie The Legend Documentary Heaven. Show last 10 messages). Sekaiju No Meiq 4 Ost Rarlab.
» Beep on New Messages - Plays audio sound when new messages are displayed in the chat room. » Adbot - Administrators can now enable/disable advertising bots to display text link advertisements in the main chat room windows. A) Allows unlimited text adverts to be added and displayed. B) Assign adverts to display in certain rooms only (eg.