Free Download Documents To Go For Bb 8520
Added menu item for Download Documents To Go Files to Word To Go. Documents To Go Desktop for BlackBerry. If you work with Microsoft Office documents, you'll never achieve the status of true mobile employee without an office viewing-and-editing suite like Documents To Go. The premium build goes beyond the free, standard version to let you edit and create Office documents, like Word files and Excel spreadsheets. Documents To. Gibbscam 2007 V8 7 7 Lz06 there.
Sheets To Go, the Microsoft Excel equivalent. (Credit: Data Viz) BlackBerry users have been waiting for Documents To Go, an excellent document viewer that's been besting native viewers on mobile phones, for years. On Tuesday, Data Viz ended the impatient toe-tapping with and its new companion PDF-viewer,.
The Premium Edition of Documents To Go ($49.99 for a yearly subscription or $69.99 for a lifetime license), builds on the Standard Edition that comes preloaded on the BlackBerry Bold (review), which also officially released in the U.S. This pro version lets you read, fully edit, and create new word processing documents, spreadsheets, and slide shows that are compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In Word To Go, for instance, the spell-checking, track-changing, and copy/paste actions are all there.
So is support for formatting with bullets, fonts, and form and table inserts, and support for password-protecting those sensitive documents. PDF To Go is a separate download for viewing PDF documents. (Credit: Data Viz) Data Viz is also throwing in the new PDF viewer, PDF To Go, with the Premium Edition. Like most PDF viewers on any platform, PDF To Go supports zooming in and preserves formatting on the BlackBerry by wrapping words. The standard version of Documents To Go is a bona fide perk for Bold owners, who would be otherwise stuck with the BlackBerry's traditionally rather stunted documents viewers. This premium version is certainly better, creating a seamless, intuitive, and feature-packed document handler.