Fbii Xl 2 User Manual

Fbii Xl 2 User Manual Average ratng: 3,0/5 3931reviews

• Platinum Security System Omers Manual N9371 Rev A 9/95. • Introduction Congratulations on your decision to protect your home or business with the XL-2 Platinum security system. You have chosen a refiable, state of the ad security system that is remarkably easy to operate. Your system has been professionally installed by your local Security Company who can explain the specifics of your system. • SYSTEM REFERENCE ZONE DESCRlmON Exit time_ Door Entry time Ent~time Door time is tie we for 41 designated EnW~t dwrs.

Fbii Xl 2 User ManualFbii Xl 2 User Manual

The following SEND HELP ALERTS are programmed into my system. Both Buttone must be pressed at the same time to activate the alert. • USER ID ASSIGNED (WSTER USER “ (WSTER USER. -Yes Door Strike - Only Turns System On -Yes If No AmbusWuress Code -Yes [f No “Maer Usem w Md, Chge, or Eme otier user Aes. Monitoring Station Information Amount Telephone xL-2 VIannum user Manua - Page 4.

Manuals search engine xL-2 VI annum user Manua - Page 4 lUWING Tm SYSTEM ON You can turn the Burglar portion of your security system on and off.

• ‘lUWING Tm SYSTEM ON You can turn the Burglar portion of your security system on and off. Before you turn the system on it must be ready. If you have a protected door open, Or Someone iS moving by a motion detector system will rr~t ~ho~. Gample you wish to keep the window open for ventilation. Best Of Dave Koz Pdf Files. Zones that are bypaasedare not protected when the system is on. See Bypass for the corrsst procedure. TURN SYSTEM ON AND STAY INSIDE To turn the perimeter portion of your burglar slam on and move around freely inside is the STAY mode.

• If successful the OtiOff light and the Instant hght be on or the tisplayshows BYPASS Bypass excludes a zone of protection from the security system until it is unbypesssed unless you have auto-bypassing enabled. Bypassing can only be done wlhile the system is turned off.

Press the Bypass Button followed by your user code and then the Zone # (l-6) to be bypassed. • Fast Btink Alarm Slow BfinMow Intensity Bypass Slow Pulse Trouble Sotid On Not Ready or the tisplay shows ZNO1 FRONT DOOR Burglary Alarms will sound a staady sound through the keypad(s) and fire alarms will generate a pulsing sound. Importent If an intrusion has taken place while you were away, do not enter until the Iwfion has been checked.

• Uwr ID “to delete M~er User Ne ““”U ser%1,the mmter user, mnot be deleld bti it an be chag~ using tie ADD CH~GE IJSERPROCEDURE. TURN SYSTEM ON ONLY (Maid Code) If you choose to have a code that cannot turn the system off, but can turn the system on, have your installer program this feature. • Your system ~n be programmed for 3 separate Send Help Alerts which would send an emergency signal 10 your central station. See System Reference sheet to see which have been programmed for your system. Duress Your system can be programmed to send an emergency signal to the Central Station ti you are forced to enter the premises. • long beep and the zone or zones bypassed will slowly blink or the display will show: NOTE: Temporary users ~.e.

Baby sitters, housekeepers, etc.) should not be shown the Bypass procedure. Turn Ckime OtiOff —— Chime is an optional feature that causes the keypad to chime when selected doors are opened when the burglary protection is off or dsarmed. • Earty warning fire det~on is best achieved by the installation of tire detection ~uipment in the location as follows TWICSI Smoke Oar@or hyom (P,-).,N, NG,t.m. BED800M BEMOOM.( Tc.E.