Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders On Yahoo
Braun Type 4169 Hand Blender Manual Download here. Try this dim arr dim srcFldr dim destFldr arr=Array('txt','jpg') srcFldr='C: mysource ' Set fs = CreateObject( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject') Set f = fs.GetFolder(srcFldr) Set fc = f.Files destFldr= fs.GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName) &' ' For a=0 to ubound(arr) For Each f1 in fc. If Right(f1.name. May 01, 2010 vb script to delete sub folders. Each subf In fldr.SubFolders subf.Delete True Next 'delete subfiles For Each fsofile In fldr.Files fsofile.Delete. Recursively search sub-folders and delete all files in sub-folders older than 6-months. 55 Respuestas A Los Protestantes Pdf Free. Ask Question. Up vote 1 down vote favorite. VBS to Delete the folders.
Hello Everyone, I've recently created three different scripts that all essentially do the same thing. They look for a folder in the%UserProfile% path and if any files in the folder haven't been modified in 90 days they are deleted and any empty sub-folders are then deleted.
Computers will only have one of the three files in the%UserProfile% path, so if the path doesn't exist I would like it to try the next directory without stopping. The scripts all work great individually but when I try to combine them into a single script no luck. I'm a bit of a rookie when it comes to scripting an would appreciate any help, I'm sure its as simple as creating a simple Else IF statement but I'm not sure how its structured. Here is the text from one of the working scripts: Set oShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') strHomeFolder = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%USERPROFILE%') strPath = strHomeFolder & ' Folder1' ExdPath = strPath & ' ExcludedSubFolder' Set objFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Search (strPath) WScript.Echo'Done.'
Thank You worked perfectly for me. Also not sure what happened with the indentations. In my VBS file everything is indented properly, however once pasted into technet it must of removed the indentation.
Final Code After Frederik's suggestion: Set oShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') strHomeFolder = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%USERPROFILE%') strPath = strHomeFolder & ' Folder1' ExdPath = strPath & ' ExcludedSubFolder1' strPath2 = strHomeFolder & ' Folder2' strPath3 = strHomeFolder & ' Folder3' Set objFSO = CreateObject('Scripting. Ek Hazaron Mein Meri Behna Hai Online Serial here. FileSystemObject') Search (strPath) Search2 (strpath2) Search3 (strpath3) WScript.Echo'Done.' Sub Search(str) Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(str) For Each objFile In objFolder.Files If objFile.DateLastModified ExdPath and (objSubFolder.Files.Count = 0) Then objSubFolder.Delete True Next End Sub Sub Search2(str) Dim objFolder, objSubFolder, objFile Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(str) For Each objFile In objFolder.Files If objFile.DateLastModified.
From command line, the easiest way to do it is for /d%a in ('d: users *') do (pushd '%~fa' && (rmdir. /s /q 2>nul & popd)) That is, for each of the subfolders, place a lock in it to avoid to it to be removed. In this case, the lock is the pushd as you can not remove the current working folder.
So, do the same in vbscript Option Explicit Dim shell, fso Set shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell') Set fso = WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') Dim folder For Each folder In fso.GetFolder('d: users').SubFolders shell.CurrentDirectory = folder.Path On Error Resume Next: folder.Delete True: On Error Goto 0 Next.