Pkg Patch For Socom 4 Controls

2747d ago Damn that sucks. I did want all of the content from Gold Edition, though, and haven't bought any of it yet, so it's not a total loss for me personally. For those who bought that content as DLC, it's a real blow not getting access to the Move controls (hopefully they do give them access). Does anybody know if save file content from the original version is compatible with the Gold Edition?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Danger of the Ooze - BLUS31435 - Cheats v1.00 PKG -Invincibility -Infinite Shurikens. Cheats pkg SOCOM 4 US NAVY SEAL - BCUS98135. 17 Dec at 10:25 pm. Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - BLES00154 / BLES00156 / BLUS30072 - Update Cheats v1.40 PKG -Invincible. There’s no doubt SOCOM 4 was announced. But can such a focused shooter work with motion controls? The patch to bring SOCOM from under the rug and into the.
I have seen the Gold Edition for like 25 dollars, so maybe I'll buy it. I liked the game enough that I do want all the DLC content and I want to play it again with Move later this year, and 25 dollars isn't a bad price for all the extra content, I guess.
Hopefully the moondust improves - either that or some visual cue as to latency (even red/yellow/green) in the player list in game would be helpful. Dying 90% of the time to headshots a la MAG. Loads of ppl on voice were complaining of lag in the game I was in - I killed a guy (with confirm in the scrolling kill log) only to run 12 feet and then die to his shot gun blast (clearly able to pull the trigger from the ether as the kill cam pointed at his corpse so he hadn't respawned). Notice a LOT of ppl using P90, picked one up and you can snipe people with it half way across the map. Not bad for an SMG. Grenads and invisible walls are just a hilarious bug - odd it's there at this stage.
I also noticed sometimes you're reticle says you can shoot (e.g. Out of window) but when you fire all your bullets can hit the window sill) Hopefully they tune it more in beta. Definite potential (though probably a few post launch patches to balance weaps knowing Zippers story with MAG) •. I alternated between this and MAG the whole night, and have to say that Zipper knows what they are doing when it comes to MP shooters. The Classic mode in SOCOM is more fun than the respawn in my opinion. I've got no history with SOCOM (was busy playing Counter Strike), but I can see that the game is much more interesting when you only have one life per round. It's definitely more than a small scale 3rd person MAG.
I've certainly had some laggy shit. Kill delay, etc. Shot the shit out of a guy, who kills me, then goes and starts planting a bomb, then dies from me. Clearly some lag, but maybe once every 10 games from my experience. SMGs are definitely the best guns in the game, and P90, considering it's clip size, is way OP. I have not had the invisible wall grenade thing happen to me, but on the topic of grenades, they're hoping to patch in grenade arc for them. Ridiculously, it was in the alpha build but removed so airstrike (which adds nothing imo) could be on R2.
Some people have played ridiculous amounts. I feel I've played a lot, about 7 hours level 20something. But I've came across people who were like rank 95. The patch sounds good.
I thought the gun levelling speed was just fine, given people will probably want to level up a wide range of weapons which will take time anyway. They need to reward more XP for securing the capture points as it takes a long time and the chances of being shot while doing it are very high. Felt like I filled the bar to 50% over 30 seconds only to get 5xp. Not much of an incentive to stick my neck out re taking objectives. I don't really understand the levelling system - in the retail game will it unlock weapons? In MAG you got skill points. In this you get nothing (or am I not high enough level).
Initially it seems at odds with all other games who give you a reward for levellin Waldbaums Grotesk Free Font. g. To test out the grenade weirdness go to the building that is in front of the bow of the ship in Assault and Battery and either stand outside and throw grenades in through the topmost doors or stand in and try and throw anything out of those doors. I've also seen some really odd grenade paths in other open areas where they circle almost back to you like a boomerangenade! Not seen any rampant sniping or knifing which is an improvement over MAG. Anyone know if they will segment servers in retail e.g. US, Europe, Asia?