Libronix Serial Number
On Thursday, March 02, 2000, a U.S. Federal trademark registration was filed for LIBRONIX by, BELLINGHAM, WA 982254372. The USPTO has given the LIBRONIX trademark serial number of 75932906.
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The current federal status of this trademark filing is REGISTERED AND RENEWED. The correspondent listed for LIBRONIX is of SCHACHT LAW OFFICE, INC., 310 E Magnolia St, Ste 201, BELLINGHAM WA 98225. The LIBRONIX trademark is filed in the category of. The description provided to the USPTO for LIBRONIX is Electronic publishing services of text and graphic works of others on CD/DVD ROM via global computer network, featuring reference material. Why is this contact information displayed?
The USPTO makes this data available for search by the public so that individuals can locate ownership information for intellectual property, much the same way a county might make real estate property ownership information available. Since our website is synchronized with the USPTO data, we recommend making any data changes with the USPTO directly. Firmware Bb 9800 Terbaru Bahasa Indonesia. Our website will auto-update when the USPTO data is updated. You may also contact Trademarkia to make a request for the removal of your personally identifiable information or trademark data.