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MentorCraphics Flowmaster 7.9.4 1.2 Gb Mentor Graphics Corporation, a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions, providing products and consulting services, has released update of Flowmaster V7, is the leading general purpose 1D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution for modeling and analysis of fluid mechanics and pipe/duct flow in complex systems. Companies can maximize their return on investment by integrating Flowmaster at every stage of the development process, taking advantage of the data management and collaborative capabilities of this analytical tool. It is used by companies across a wide range of industries to reduce the development time and costs of their thermo-fluid systems. It helps systems engineers to: – Simulate pressure surge, temperature and fluid flow rates system-wide – Understand how design alterations, component size, selection and operating conditions will affect the overall fluid system performance accurately and quickly Included: MentorCraphics Flowmaster 7.9.0 with Update Update Only About Mentor Graphics Mentor Graphics is a technology leader in electronic design automation (EDA), providing software and hardware design solutions that enable companies to develop better electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. The company offers innovative products and solutions that help engineers overcome the design challenges they face in the increasingly complex worlds of board and chip design. The Elder Scrolls Iv Shivering Isles Iso Download on this page. Mentor Graphics has the broadest industry portfolio of best-in-class products and is the only EDA company with an embedded software solution.