E-Systems 3103 Drivers
Apr 07, 2009 hi i have 2 problem s 1st i have a E system EI 3103 and i don't know who is the manufacturer. XP drivers needed for E system EI 3103. Drivers needed. E system 3103 drivers. Logitech keyboard drivers for linux mint.

Written on: the e-system ei3103 is a good laptop although if you own it you should upgrade it with 2gb ddr2 ramm with 533mhz bus speed n then the processor this machine comes with a 530 celeron processor with 1.83ghz a very slow processor.i replaced it with 2.0ghz t7200 c2d with 4mb cache thankx to the motherboard with intel chipset gma945 that support this kind of havey processor n there r no heating problem with this laptop coz it has intel graphics.screen size is very good crystal 15.4. Written on: by (1 review written) My advice, is not to sell this system, but also not to ever buy one. If you're on a very low budget and, like me, can get a free one off of your brother's friend who knows nothing about computers and therefore believes it is bricked, go ahead, it's got a nice screen:) However, if you already own one, buy some quirk of fate, Do the following: Copy the Folder 'Driver CD' found in 'C:/Applications/Drivers' to a memory stick or CD Download XP drivers for the LAN, WLAN, VGA and Audio (as the ones. Written on: by (6 reviews written) Okay, the Ei System 3103. I do not actually own this laptop thankfully. That pleasure is my sisters, but i've had extensive experience (every time I see her) of trying to eek out a little more performance from this god foresaken machine. Before she bought it I had never heard of Ei System, and i've been building pc's for more years than I care to remember.
The problem is, as has been stated by other reviewers, that it comes with only 512mb of ram installed, and running Vista. How To Get A Boiler License In Wisconsin. Written on: by johnmacoske (1 review written) Well I purchased this laptop from the Curry's website about 6 months ago now, and it is possibly the worst laptop on their site (apart from the other clearance laptops).
So far the charger has broken for no apparent reason and the mouse has stopped working altogether. Okay, the display is brilliant for a laptop from this price range, but apart from that I do not recommend the Ei System 3103.

I mean how is Windows Vista expected to run on 512mb ram? It's nearly impossible! It's one of those.
Written on: by (1 review written) Picked up from local Cash converters for £150. Not bad considering £350 new 6 months ago. Everything still works as it should and is still pretty tight, although paint starting to wear where left hand rested. Computer came with Intel Celeron M 440 1.86ghz cpu but upgraded (very easily I might add) to a Pentium Dual core at 1.73mhz for £13 off ebay. The 512MB RAM is barely enough for Windows XP but is pretty useless for Vista. Upgraded to 1.5GB RAM for £9 (again, ebay). Runs very nicely.