Db2 Odbc Driver Windows
Microsoft ODBC Driver for DB2 enables access over SNA LU 6.2 and TCP/IP networks to remote DB2 databases. This driver is implemented as an IBM Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) application requester that can connect to most DRDA-compliant DB2 systems, including MVS, OS/390, OS/400, AIX RS/6000, and Microsoft Windows. The driver can be used interactively or from an application program to issue SQL statements and execute DB2 stored procedures. From Microsoft Excel, users can import DB2 tables into worksheets and use Excel graphing tools to analyze the data. From Microsoft Access, users can import from and export to DB2. Essential Social Psychology Crisp Turner Pdf To Excel. Flashdisk Minta Driver.

Download Prodad Mercalli V2 Torrent. Using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), developers can publish DB2-stored information to users through a Web browser interface. See Also To download updated Host Integration Server 2004 Help from www.microsoft.com, go to. Copyright © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
In this post I describe how to install the IBM DB2 ODBC driver on Windows 7 professional and how to configure a data source to connect to an uncatalog database. Environment Client OS: Windows Professional 7 32b Database Host OS: AIX 6.1 RDBMS: DB2 9.7 Procedure • Download the IBM DB2 ODBC driver from the IBM download website (You only need the ODBC driver, not the complete client).
• Unzip the ODBC driver on the local machine, for example, in C:/Programs Files/IBM. • Register the driver. • Open ODBC data source administrator • Add a new data source • Select “IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER for ODBC” from the diver list and press Finish • Enter the Data source name and the description and press on the button “Add” • Add the following parameters: Database = Hostname= Port = Protocol=TCPIP And click “Apply” and “OK”. Test connectivity • In the ODBC data source manager, select the new data sources and click on “Configure”. • Enter the userid and password of the DB2 user and click on “Connect”.