Db2 Express C Installation Steps
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4 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C 3.2 Operating system installation authority.27 3.3 Installation wizard. Why DB2 Express-C? DB2 Express-C™ is the free version of one of the most advanced database management systems in the world. Why pay when you can have all you need for free? DB2 Express-C is free to develop, deploy and distribute. It is a fast, secure, reliable, and amazingly scalable dataserver, ideal for most.
DB2 Express-C Stuff Installing DB2 Express-C DB2 Express-C is the free version of DB2. Installation of DB2 Express-C Version 10.1 on Centos 6.3 is documented here. This example uses the GUI-based DB2 Installation wizard.
You can also silently install it using a response file. This example will generate and document the response file for subsequent silent install methods. Most linux servers do not have X windows installed, so installation is done via X11 forwarding to another linux or windows machine.
Setting up X11 forwarding to another linux machine is easy. It is a more complicated when you do it with a Windows machine. You can find X11 forwarding from linux to windows documented here: • Download the gzipped tar file, and unzip/untar it with the following command, which will extract the files into a new subdirectory, expc. Gunzip -c db2_v101_linuxx64_expc.tar.gz tar xvf • For Linux, you need to be root (the superuser) to install DB2 Express-C if you want to create more instances than the default one created at installation time. • From the expc directory, run db2prereqcheck. You may get an error saying you need to disable SElinux.